Diplomatische Dokumente der Schweiz. Documents Diplomatiques Suisses. Documenti Diplomatici Svizzeri, Bd. 27 (1976–1978), hrsg. von Sacha Zala et al., Chronos Verlag: Zürich; Armando Dadò: Locarno; Editions Zoé: Genève 2022.
Switzerland’s foreign relations were characterized during the years 1976–1978 by dynamism and activation, as the documents in volume 27 show. The CSCE process as well as the North-South dialogue opened new perspectives for Swiss diplomacy. Another new development is the focus on human rights. The rejection of the financing of the IDA and the extension of the right of referendum on international treaties are both evidence of the growing influence of Parliament and the people on foreign policy. The appreciation of the Swiss franc is exacerbating the recession. In response, political authorities intervened to support foreign currencies and promote seems. Various scandals paint a picture of a Switzerland that appears less and less «above suspicion».
Link Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland (Dodis)
Brigitte Schwarz, in: RSI Geronimo, 25.04.2022. Audio
Bernard Wüthrich, in: Le Temps, 01.03.2022. PDF
Keystone ATS, in: RTS, 01.03.2022. PDF